Men's Health Products

Prevent or cure prostate problems
The high-quality PROSTA-METTO formula is an excellent choice for men who are interested in supporting their prostate and urinary health. This supplement contains our Saw Palmetto Complex Blend, which includes 80 mg of Saw Palmetto Extract, the leading herb for men's health, especially in later years. Saw Palmetto contains phytochemicals, which support prostate and urinary health in men. It also contains 10 mg Pygeum Africanum Extract for prostate support, 5 mg Uva-Ursi for fluid balance, and 40 mg Pumpkin Seed Oil Extract. Men can take one softgel four times daily.

Discover the exotic flavor of the African jungle with Yohimbe Bark. Derived from an African evergreen tree, Yohimbe was used by warriors preparing for battle and young males as part of their marriage ritual. The sensual properties of this mystical extract stimulate the animal prowess in every man. Yohimbe Bark is perfect for those long romantic nights of passion.