Vitamin Supplements

Vitamin Supplements - Useful information about vitamins - C, E, B complex, B1, vitamin B 12 - minerals and other vital dietary supplements. I'll show you some good vitamin products you can take: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Omega 3 Fish Oil products and spirulina, green tea extract every day and you can be healthy.

Top Supplements picks for today...

Vitamin B12

As you may know, the B Vitamins play many important roles in the body, including energy metabolism. Specifically, the vitamin known as B-12 helps maintain proper metabolic functioning and circulatory health, and contributes to the health of the nervous system. It also aids in normal development and the regeneration of red blood cells.

Vitamin B12 deficiency causes fatigue. Years ago, a small, double-blind trial reported that even some people who are not deficient in this vitamin had increased energy after vitamin B12 injections, compared with the effect of placebo injections.
A lot of body builder use Vitamin B-12 because of the metabolic effect of it, but not only body builders can benefit from B 12.

B 12 injections available on the market you need only a person (doctor) to take it in injectable format.

Vitamin B12 is found in all foods of animal origin, including dairy, eggs, meat, poultry, and fish.

If you like more natural energy take Vitamin B 12 daily.